Protein for all, toddler-senior!

Understanding The Role of Protein in Your Diet
In a world of accessible information, the health effects of fat, salt and carbs are ever controversial, but protein is inarguably one of the most important components in your daily diet. Whether its a growing child or senior adult, protein holds a principal place in completing your body’s requirements. Did you know that protein is essential for the production and maintenance of every cell in our bodies? It fuels our cells and powers our bodies. But is there more to what makes protein necessary. Come find out more in this blogpost.
Regulation of hormones: protein plays an important role in hormone regulation, especially during the transformation and development of cells during puberty.
Digestion: about half the dietary protein that you consume each day goes into making enzymes, which aids in digesting food
- Carrier of oxygen: red blood cells contain a protein compound that carries oxygen throughout your body. This helps supply your entire body with the nutrients it needs.
- Overall well-being: protein is important if you’re looking to lose or maintain healthy weight as it builds lean muscle. Protein plus fiber keeps you feeling full longer. This also helps fuel cells with the right nutrients they need
Now that we have established why you must incorporate protein in your meal, the question arises - how do you do that?
It is important to remember that you can not solely focus on protein for your dietary requirements, you need to spread your protein intake evenly across the day to help prevent muscle loss with age. This means eating roughly 25–30 grams of protein per meal.
What are supplements and is it safe for you?
If you’re on the lookout to increase your protein intake for a while, we bet you’ve come across supplements. Unfortunately, with a lot of myths surrounding this topic,we’re here to bust this for you. Supplements are completely healthy when taken in right moderations. Supplements aid in naturally increasing your protein quotient for the day.
Here’s introducing to you one of the safest, all natural, plant-based Hemp Protein.
Hemp protein contains all nine essential amino acids (compounds that combine to form protein) humans need, Hemp is a complete protein. It helps break down food, grow, repair body tissue and other bodily functions. The high fiber content in Hemp protein also makes it different from refined plant-based protein powders and ensures better gut health and blood sugar management.
The recommended amount of protein a day would be
- 56–91 grams per day for an average male
- 46–75 grams per day for an average female
(source: Healthline)
Hemp contains plenty of minerals, such as magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, and copper. There are more compounds in Hemp that are powerful antioxidants that protect your body from chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease.
Supplements are exactly what they claim to be; providing you with the support your body needs to stay healthy. Supplements are meant to support – not replace – a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle.
Click here to explore some easy and quick recipes with Hemp Protein